



实验室装修,专业实验室设计,一流实验室设计施工,专业实验室设计,实验室设计规划 一、强弱电系统工程 A, strong or weak electricity systems engineering

强弱电工程是实验室装修装饰工程中最主要的一点,因为它关系着整个公司的正常工作,所以也不能忽视。首先还是要找专业有资质的综合布线公司,由专业技术人员到现场进行实际测量,把强弱电的预留开关,插座以及各种线路走向全部体现规划到图纸上,然后交与物业公司,装饰公司的审核是要求达到他们写字楼规定标准,如:电线必须穿管、穿什么样的管、电气系统布置是复合他们所预留的输出系统等,至于客户所要求的用电需求和他们要求的不一样,所以在上报物业审核前,客户自己要先审核,主要是看看能否满足自己的使用需要。 Strong and weak electricity engineering is one of the main laboratory in decoration engineering, because it's relationship with the normal work of the whole company, so also cannot ignore. First or to find a qualified professional integrated wiring, conducted by professional and technical personnel to the site actual measurements, the strong and weak electricity reserve switches, sockets and a variety of lines on the drawings to reflect all planning, property company, and then to the audit is required to achieve their office building decoration company regulation standard, such as: wire must wear tube, pipe, electrical system arrangement of what is compound the output system and so on, they set aside as required by the customer demand and their requirements, so before the audit report to property, customer need to review, main is to see whether the use of to satisfy his needs.

二、消防工程很关键 Second, the fire engineering is the key

大多数实验室装修装饰时都要做隔断,如果隔断要到顶部的时候,就要进行烟感和喷淋的改动,而很多物业公司通常都把这个烫手的山芋交给业主或者装饰公司自行去解决,这样一来就要找有那些有资质的消防公司,消防公司按照规定还要报批当地消防局进行审批,这个时间通常要10~15天。 Most of the decoration in lab to do partition, if the partition to the top, do smoke and spray changes, and many property company usually put the hot potato to owner or decoration company to solve on their own, so will be looking for those who have the qualification of the fire, the fire company and approval in accordance with the relevant provisions for approval by the local fire department this time is usually 10 ~ 15 days.

三、中央空调 Third, the central air conditioning

同样还是在实验室装修装饰中需要隔断来划分空间,那么就要考虑到每个空间都要保留一定数量的中央空调出风口与回风口,这样一来同样还需要找有正规资质的中央空调安装公司。在实验室装修装饰改造前一定要先把中央空调改造平面布置图交与物业公司审核。工程完工后物业公司还要求出示一份中央空调工程竣工图。 In the lab is also need to divide the space partition in the decoration, it will have to consider every space to keep a certain number of central air-conditioning outlet and inlet, so also need to find a formal qualifications of central air-conditioning installation company. Decoration in the laboratory to transform the central air conditioning must be before layout to property company audit. After the completion of the engineering property company also asked to show a central air conditioning project completion.

四,办公家具 Four, office furniture